“By developing the leadership potential of staff and faculty members, the university can be more adaptable in the face of massivechange and be better positioned to take advantage of new opportunities 
for growth.”

“Research has identified mentoring as an invaluable method for developing the best leaders.”

What we do

We build the capacities of University of Ghana office holders, newly appointed personnel, potential leaders, and students in tailored programmes relevant to our institutional objectives to enable them function effectively in their current or future leadership roles.
We also engage office holders, faculty, administrative staff and students through an established mentoring system to enable them to become the best leaders they 
aspire to.

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We target the following

  1. Strategic Apex Leaders/ SeniorManagement
  2. Middle Line (OperationalLeaders) – Provost/Deans/Directors (Academic and Administrative)/Heads ofDepartment/Coordinators
  3. Operational Core –Lecturers/Research Fellows/ Administrators/Professional Staff
  4. Senior and Junior Staff
  5. Teaching & ResearchAssistants/Graduate Assistants
  6. Students

Our Cardinal Operational Principles



Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of leadership goals.


We identify leadership gaps based on institutional aspirations.


We develop activities relevant to institutional objectives.


We present you with learning opportunities for growth.